Sunset at Touchmark at Fairway Village in Vancouver, Washington

Touchmark Strong Champions

Touchmark Champions are team members who exemplify making smart decisions in all aspects of their lives to protect residents and their fellow team members.

Touchmark at Fairway Village

2911 SE Village Loop Vancouver, WA 98683


Aaron Webster

Aaron works at Touchmark at Fairway Village as a Building Services Assistant and is known for his positive attitude and willingness to help out, often covering shifts and answering calls after hours and on weekends. He has also built many meaningful relationships with residents. When asked what actions he takes to keep himself, residents, and fellow colleagues safe, he says:

  • Masking up before I go anywhere is my first priority and using lots of hand sanitizer and handwashing at every opportunity. I also try to avoid crowds when I’m in stores; I take routes that will minimize my contact with other people. My family follows this as well. I have a mask for every day of the week for work, and then I have a couple of different masks that I use when I leave my home. I also will only shop at establishments that enforce social distancing and mask rules.
  • I feel like everyone here at Touchmark is really awesome about following guidelines and making sure that we, as a collective body of people, are keeping residents and coworkers healthy. My decisions outside of and at work contribute to our staff and residents having a healthy and happy life. I also keep in mind that our residents are not getting their normal visitations and also not getting out of the community a lot, so I do my best to make time to converse and make sure they are staying happy and optimistic.
  • I love my job, residents, coworkers, and family. I feel that I’m responsible for the people that I put myself around, and it’s my duty to make sure that I’m making the best decisions that I can to keep everyone safe.
  • The Touchmark Value that most resonates with me is “I am a Giver!” I work in the homes of our residents, so it is very important that I make the right decisions.

“Be optimistic; this will pass! It’s really easy to get caught up in the negativity in the world, so think positively and keep a good outlook!””

Touchmark Strong Champion: Aaron Webster
Touchmark Strong Champion: Jan Boyer

Jan Beyer

Jan works at Touchmark at Fairway Village on the Health & Fitness Member Services team. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Parkinson’s community immediately came to Jan’s mind. After learning how to connect virtually with clients and residents through Zoom, Jan started a virtual program to help connect with and keep this special group active and engaged. She was able to offer help, engagement, and exercise, which is vitally important. When asked what actions she takes to keep herself, residents, and fellow colleagues safe, she says:

  • The reality of working with a high-risk population has given me a heightened respect for all the safety recommendations that we have been given to keep ourselves safe as well as those we work with. I have found it essential to be more aware of my own emotional and mental needs. This means making “quiet time” in the morning, which involves reading, journal writing, and meditation. I have also found balance in my daily life through exercise and long hikes in our beautiful Pacific Northwest. Spending time in nature helps to bring me back to what is really important and give me a new focus.
  • My position is to coordinate the Parkinson’s program. On March 13, the world as we knew it changed. My immediate thought was, “what can I do now to help the people in my classes continue to exercise?” We are almost four months into the Zoom Parkinson’s exercise classes and they are full of participants. There have been so many benefits, not just physical but social, too! When the guys see their fellow class members on the screen and can talk to them, it is nothing shy of a miracle!
  • Parkinson’s is a chronic, progressive disease. Without daily movement, stretching, and specific activities, the symptoms progress even faster. Knowing that people with Parkinson’s were probably sitting at home, doing very little exercise, or nothing at all, motivated me to pursue something more. We are now seeing positive results including emotional and social benefits without the risk of having to go out in public. Knowing that those who are taking these classes are getting stronger and staying safe motivates me to continue.
  • I am a Friend and Giver. I view the Touchmark Parkinson’s family as friends. I have known most of these class participants for up to 10 years, and during this time, there have been many ups and downs for them. We share birthdays and anniversaries, celebrate grandchildren, and have holiday parties. Living the Touchmark Values to me is living daily life and letting each person know how important they are to me, laughing and crying together, and building community one person at a time.

“Look for needs of others and opportunities to share simple, everyday kindness. This means having more grace for myself, realizing these are tough times, and I may not always be at my best, but forgiving myself for that. The advice I have to my teammates is have more grace for each other. Try to give a little more room for grace for yourself and those with which you work.”

Laura Bruce

Laura works at Touchmark at Fairway Village as an Employee Wellness Coordinator. She is now teaching chair yoga and cardio classes in addition to her strength and balance class, to Health & Fitness Club members virtually. She has stayed connected and engaged with members of the community that has allowed them to keep in touch and find support. When asked what actions she takes to keep herself, residents, and fellow colleagues safe, she says:

  • Maintaining my regular fitness routine allows me to stay healthy and continuously boost my immune system. Regular exercise, proper sleep, and eating healthy are some of the best defenses to fight off viruses, including COVID-19. I focus on setting this example for the residents, personal training clients, and teammates, and find ways to help them stay active.
  • In taking these actions, it allows me to maintain a lifestyle (rather than a quick fix or diet) for the long-term health of me and those around me. I am motivated by seeing others build a lifestyle of their own to maintain their long-term independence and health.
  • During the restrictions caused by COVID-19, the efforts to change and adapt to doing things different, and still maintain some sort of regularity, have been challenging. Because I feel a regular routine is very important, I’ve been able to adapt by providing fitness classes and personal training on a virtual platform. I never thought I would be doing it this way, but thanks to technology, I am able to maintain contact and support that is so dearly needed today.
  • “I am a Friend” resonates most with me when making safe decisions. As a friend, I believe trust is one of the most important virtues in developing and maintaining friendship. The trust my friends have in me to always do what is best for them allows me to develop long lasting relationships.

“Involve yourself in the Health & Fitness Club resources available to team members. Currently, there are classes and equipment to assist everyone, at whatever fitness level, to create your own healthy lifestyle … and many of us to support you.”

Touchmark Strong Champion: Laura Bruce
Touchmark Strong Champion: Tesa Hanson

Tesa Hanson

Tesa is an Assistant Resident Care Manager at Touchmark at Fairway Village. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 precautions, she has done a great job keeping the personal protective equipment (PPE) closet organized, making sure all the caregivers have the proper supplies. Recently Tesa turned down going to Arizona because their state was having more outbreaks and she did not want to risk any potential exposure to the residents. When asked what actions she takes to keep herself, residents, and fellow colleagues safe, she says:

  • I always make sure that I have a mask and make smart decisions about how I choose to spend my time away from work. My fiancé and I love to go camping because it is a great, safe way to have some summer fun and enjoy the outdoors! In the interest of everyone’s safety, my fiancé and I decided to postpone our wedding that was planned for May 2020 until next year. It wasn’t an easy choice, but we are happy with our decision to keep our families and Touchmark family safe.
  • I try to lead by example and keep a positive attitude in the workplace. By keeping up my mental health, I am able to be fully present at work and give 110% to the residents and staff.
  • Health is one of the most important things that you can possess, mentally and physically. I make choices to protect the physical health of the community, but I also make choices that protect my mental health and allow me to take a break from the world and relax safely.
  • “I wear a positive attitude and maintain a sense of joy,” is a great value, as everyone is going through a rough time right now. Making sure we have positive attitudes and keep fun in the workplace is how we are going to make it through this!

“Making sure you are taking time to decompress from the stress of everything going on right now allows you to do your best at work and ensure the residents get the best possible care and service.”