Touchmark Strong Champions
Touchmark Champions are team members who exemplify making smart decisions in all aspects of their lives to protect residents and their fellow team members.
Adelaide Rosene
Adelaide works in Dining Services as a dishwasher at Touchmark on West Prospect. Not only does she serve each resident with a warm smile under her mask, but she is also picking up multiple shifts per week to help with daily resident health screenings and one-on-one visits. When asked what actions she takes to keep herself, residents, and fellow colleagues safe, she says:
- In my daily life, I do my best to protect myself from sickness by avoiding large crowds, washing my hands a LOT, and wearing a mask when I go out, even if other people aren’t. I’m also conscious of the effects the pandemic has on my mental health, so I try to check in with my friends and family. I am enjoying the opportunities I have to connect with residents to spread joy and positivity even if it’s just for a few minutes.
- I am largely motivated by my role at Touchmark because I would never want to put another team member or resident at risk of getting sick. I am very close with my family, especially my grandparents, and they motivate me to make good choices to keep them safe.
- Reaching out to people is having a positive impact because I can bring excitement to their day. My goal is to remind people of the light at the end of the tunnel.
- I think the value of Compassion plays a huge role in making safe decisions. Not only am I protecting myself, but I am doing a service to others every time I put on a mask. Teamwork is another value that is very important for decision-making because everyone has to do their part to stay safe. I surround myself with good people who encourage me to be safe and happy. By working together, I know we can get through this or anything else.
- I encourage my teammates simply to listen more. I have learned so much in the past few weeks from some amazing people at Touchmark, and a lot of it has come from sitting down and giving others a chance to talk and tell their stories.
“It is such a unique experience to work with those who have so much wisdom. I feel very lucky to be a part of this community!”

Brooke Penoske
Brooke works as the Health & Fitness Coordinator at Touchmark on West Prospect. She has continually monitored residents’ health and wellness during her rounds through the community, encouraging them to attend fitness classes and connecting with them during personal training sessions. She has also been assisting the care team to help to fulfill open caregiving shifts. When asked what actions she takes to keep herself, residents, and fellow colleagues safe, she says:
- Each week, I am following Touchmark’s protocol to the “T”—wearing a mask, shield, washing my hands daily, and staying 6 feet away. During these difficult times, I decided I am going to come to work, and every resident I encounter, I am going to make their day. Whether that is through encouraging words, listening ears, helping hands, sharing a positive quote, or making them laugh.
- A smile goes a long way, and during this uncertain time, the smiles are what need to be contagious.
- If you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine. By coming in with a positive attitude and following all safety precautions, I have been keeping myself and this community safe and healthy.
- The Touchmark value I resonate with most to make safe decisions for everyone around me is Integrity. I’ve needed to put other’s needs before my own, realizing who is at most risk and asking myself how I can go above and beyond to make sure this community stays safe, and the first person I could start with is myself.
- I’ve had to be conscious of every decision I make to ensure the safety of the residents. I’ve also made a point to show that I am reliable, not only to my coworkers but to the residents as well, through conveying true kindness and understanding to the people around me.
- We all experience change, but we have to do it together for the ones that matter most.
“If I had to give any advice to my fellow teammates, it would be that things turn out the best for people who make the best of the way things turn out. Behind every good day is a good attitude.”
Eve Vanden Heuvel
Eve works in Dining Services as a server at Touchmark on West Prospect. She is known for bringing happiness to residents who need a friend the most. Some days this may look like helping with puzzles or going for a walk with a resident. When Eve returns from their visits, you can see the positive impact these moments have, especially during this time. When asked what actions she takes to keep herself, residents, and fellow colleagues safe, she says:
- One of the most influential ways to keep me and others healthy throughout this quarantine is utilizing the gift of social media to stay connected with friends. I am still able to check on my friends without the risk of being exposed to COVID-19. By limiting in-person contact with others, I am able to lessen the fear of contracting the virus and spreading it to the residents with whom I’ve become so close.
- Becoming such great friends with the residents at Touchmark serves as motivation to stay safe during this time. Each resident is like an additional grandparent to me, and I hold them very close to my heart. Because of this, I want to ensure the safety of all my grandparents here at Touchmark!
- I live by the Saint Therese of Lisieux quote, “You don’t need to do great, big things, but small things with great love.” I truly believe that small acts like limiting in-person contact, wearing a mask, and washing your hands to protect others around you speaks volumes of love.
- To positively impact your community, you need to not only tell others to wash their hands or wear a mask, but you must also set an example by doing so yourself. People are more likely to follow in your footsteps to create a safe and healthy environment.
- The value I most resonate with when making safe decisions is, “I am a Giver.” I always remember that this decision is not only impacting me, but also the health and safety of residents. Giving is a form of love, and I want to be able to love each person with each safe decision I make.
“Be open and show compassion. Yes, this is a job, but it can mean so much more than that. All of the residents are so wise and have the greatest stories!”

Julia Paiser
Julia works as a caregiver at Touchmark on West Prospect. She is always encouraging positivity. For example, she and her dad made recognition boxes for the staff to give kudos to each other, took a resident on hospice on a golf cart ride around the campus, and has stayed late after work to give a resident’s dog a bath. When asked what actions she takes to keep herself, residents, and fellow colleagues safe, she says:
- The actions I take in my daily life to keep myself and others safe include frequent handwashing! Anytime I come home from work, I Lysol my shoes and leave them in the garage. With my dad being a firefighter and me being a CNA, we both wear masks when going in stores and other essential places. In addition to practicing social distancing, I work out at home in my basement and walk my dog around the neighborhood to keep myself physically active.
- The reason I take the actions I do and follow so closely to the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines is because the residents are my second family. They brighten my day, share their life advice, and welcome me daily into their homes. Taking any actions necessary to protect my family just makes sense.
- These efforts positively affect my community because it results in a chain reaction. When I practice good hygiene, wear a mask, follow CDC guidelines, and stay physically active, others want to do the same. As a result, together, we can stop the spread of bacteria and germs.
- The Touchmark value that I resonate most with when making safe decisions is, “I am an Ally.” During this uncertain time, it is imperative as a CNA that safety comes first. As the residents’ ally, I always wash my hands for the full 20 seconds, wear gloves, wear my face shield, and follow the extra COVID-19 precautions to ensure they remain safe.