Blog from Touchmark Central Office in Beaverton, Oregon

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Image of three Touchmark residents smiling as they paint on easels together.

The Value of Friendship

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” – Bernard Melzer, radio host

We are all social creatures, and the majority of us find true joy in connecting with other people. Personal relationships are important to our overall happiness in all stages of life. All of the seven dimensions of wellness—emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual—can be enhanced by interacting with others.

Camaraderie not only makes life’s experiences more fun, but research also shows that maintaining friendships and a social lifestyle improves our well-being, especially as we get older. A recent study from ProMatura found that 55% of retirement community residents agreed or strongly agreed that their quality of life has increased over the last year, compared to only 19% of older adults not living in retirement communities who said the same. Furthermore, those living in a retirement community are two to five times more likely to participate in activities that foster social interaction and togetherness.

At Touchmark, residents have the opportunity to not only nurture friendships but also plan activities and events that challenge abilities and pique interests. Spending time together allows us to live better and fuller lives than if we keep to ourselves. This month, challenge yourself to talk to someone you’ve never socialized with before, join a special interest group, or try something new that opens you to enjoying an experience with others. You never know where you’ll find your newest passion or friend!
