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Springing Forward into Health: Mindfulness in the Season of Growth

Springing Forward into Health: Mindfulness in the Season of Growth

Spring and summer burst forth with joyous displays of life, from new buds on tree branches to daffodils and crocuses sprouting up along sidewalks. These seasons are also a time when physical activity increases, and we may notice that we hibernated more than we thought we did during the winter season. Now is an excellent time to check in with your body and the goals you may have for the year so that you enjoy the weather all season long. 

  • Stooping to turn over soil that hasn’t seen a shovel since last winter is an enjoyable task, but sometimes not for your body. Sometimes the impulse to dive into garden work or get your bicycle out of storage can make you ignore signs in your body that starting slow and steady is the best way to get the most enjoyment out of spending time in the fresh air. 

  • Schedule a check-in with your doctor if you haven’t done so in a while. They can help you think about goals and areas of opportunities to work on during the summer months. 

  • Because it gets darker later in the day, sleep schedules can be disrupted. Consider investing in light-blocking curtains if the extended daylight is disruptive.  

Take your health seriously, but don’t forget to enjoy it. Now is a perfect time to reinvigorate your routine and your wellness—and take in the fresh air! 

