It is safe to say that over the course of the past year, most of us have gotten more skilled in online communication than we might have expected. However, it can still be hard to feel close to our friends and loved ones when we are not physically present with them. Zoom, Facetime, and other technologies have made bridging the gap considerably easier, but the playful back-and-forth that is so easy to create during face-to-face interactions can still be hard to achieve. That’s why Touchmark has compiled a list of some simple but fun ways to stay engaged online and recreate the spontaneity of a live meeting in a virtual setting:
Play a board game. Though it might not seem like it would be easy to transfer an in-person game night to a virtual one, it can be quite easy, depending on the game. Candy Land and Connect 4 are great options because one person can easily make the other person’s play on their own board (as opposed to YAHTZEE®, for example, which has many more moving parts). All that’s required is for each person playing to own the game board and to communicate their move so their opponent can follow along clearly.
Mad Libs is always a lot of fun, and the results are just as hilarious whether you are playing virtually or in person. Only one person needs to have a Mad Libs book in order for this activity to be successful, but it’s double the fun if you switch off who provides the words and who reads the finished result.
Reading to each other is a great activity for youngsters learning to read and grandparents anxious to keep up with their developing grandchildren. Still, it is also a great way for everyone to discover new favorites and rediscover old classics. Purchase or check out from the library a book of your choosing and alternate who reads chapter by chapter. Scheduling a weekly or biweekly Zoom call will help you maintain a regular connection with your loved one—and expand your imagination!
Drawing can have a therapeutic effect. Pick an object or scene and sketch it out, then share it via Zoom. Though it may be a quiet activity, having something to share and discuss can help break the ice that sometimes forms during Zoom calls.
Jackbox and Kahoot! are two online services that allow users to play games remotely. Jackbox offers a variety of remote games for a fee (one subscriber can invite up to eight people to play for free) and Kahoot! specializes in learning games and trivia quizzes and can be accessed free of charge. These sites are great for convening a larger group of people in an interactive and virtual setting.
Feeling connected online is challenging but not impossible. Next time you’re planning an online chat with a relative or friend, consider connecting over one of these simple but fun online activities.