Touchmark Flood Planning
Frequently Asked Questions
Touchmark is working closely with city, emergency, and public health agencies and closely monitoring river and weather forecasts. Our top priority is to maintain the security of residents, team members, and property. Following are frequently asked questions about our flood planning.
Who would make the decision to evacuate?
An evacuation would likely be ordered by a government official such as the mayor or the governor. The goal is typically to evacuate vulnerable and slow-moving populations first. Senior living communities would likely be included in this category.
Do I need flood insurance?
Touchmark insures the structure of our building. Residents do have the option of purchasing flood insurance as an “add-on” to renters’ insurance. This would cover individual belongings. You may wish to visit with your insurance agent; however, flood insurance typically must be added 30 days prior to the event.
At what elevation will we have to evacuate?
An evacuation order is likely to be based upon the predicted water elevation as opposed to the current elevation. Permanent and temporary flood protection structures will be built to 43 feet again this year. The record crest occurred in 2009 at 40.8 feet but a higher crest had been predicted at the time of the evacuation order.
Where would we be going?
The first step is determining how many residents will evacuate with Touchmark staff. We need all independent living residents to complete a Resident Flood Plan form and turn this in by Friday, March 6. A nurse will work with residents living in assisted living and memory care neighborhoods and responsible parties to complete this form. Once we have an estimate, we can begin to develop plans for accommodations and transportation. Our goal is always to keep residents in a comfortable location in the company of Touchmark staff, when possible.
What would I do with my pet?
Please note that you have a pet on the resident tracking form. A member of our Life Enrichment/Wellness team will discuss options with you.
If we evacuate, when will we evacuate?
An evacuation, if it should occur, would likely happen near the time of the predicted river crest or breach. This date may change frequently between now and the crest.
How much notice would we receive in the event of an evacuation?
Notice will vary based on flood conditions. If conditions change quickly, we will likely need to move quickly. In 2009, we had about 24 hours’ notice. This was a much slower evacuation.
Can I just go to another senior living community in town if Touchmark evacuates?
Touchmark would likely receive notice of evacuation because of concerns regarding the status of flood protection systems. A breach would likely have a citywide impact. As occurred in 2009, we would expect all senior living communities to receive notice to evacuate at the same time.
In the event of an evacuation, how long would we be gone?
It is difficult to predict and depends upon the duration and extent of the flooding as well as whether any damage has occurred to the property or surrounding areas.
How much can I take with me?
If an evacuation occurrs, please plan to pack lightly and consider the following:
- If we handle your medications, we will have two weeks’ worth on hand.
- If you handle your own medications, be sure to have about two weeks’ worth on hand. Also think about all other medical supplies you may need, including oxygen, diabetic supplies, insulin needles, etc. and be sure to have enough on hand.
- If you use incontinence supplies or other bulky items that take up a lot of space, do not pack an overabundance of these. We will have access to these supplies at our destinations.
Will my belongings remain secure?
Yes, the building and your home will remain secured.
What happens to my car?
Your car will remain parked in its current location.
Will Touchmark sandbag around the property?
Our property is large and sandbagging around our property could actually impede citywide efforts. We are confident supporting the city’s flood fight is the best way to help protect our property as well as the entire neighborhood.
If I reside on a second or third floor, is it possible to remain in my home if an evacuation has been ordered?
No, an evacuation order would apply to all residents. It’s important to understand that building systems on all floors could be impacted by major flooding as well as access to emergency medical services.